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UjENA Fit Club Elite Racing Team

UjENA Fit Club Elite Racing Team 

Would you like to run on our team? We are looking for runners of all abilities. The UjENA Fit Club is the host club for the Double Road Race.  We will be putting together teams in all divisions for each Double.  Once you have signed up for a Double, email team captain Bob Anderson: bob@alongrun.com.  We will provide one racing singlet for you to wear in your Double and hopefully other races.  Additional jerseys, t-shirts and other gear will be available soon for purchase.   Team prize money is awarded at all Doubles and we hope to win some of it.   There is no other obligation except that you do need to have a current Ujena Fit Club account.  We hope you will list your races on our site as you run them.  Helps keep us connected.  Thanks!  Bob Anderson, founder Ujena Fit Club Elite Racing Team.  Photo Gallery

UjENA Fit Club Elite Racing Team Double Road Race Results

NameHometownRaceDateBibAgeSexPlaceAge Group10K Time10K Pace5K Time5K PaceChipWMA
Adam Roach Monterey, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 821 29 M 3 2 M25-29 32:01.57 5:09 15:53.48 5:07 47:55 85.88
Adam Roach Monterey, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/28/13 1104 29 M 2 2 M25-29 32:17 5:12 15:24 4:58 47:41 86.30
Adam Roach Monterey, CAUS Double Road Race Manhattan 11/9/13 1138 29 M 2 2 M20-29 0:33:00 5:19 0:16:05 5:11 49:05 83.84
Adam Roach Monterey, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 2/22/14 209 29 M 3 1 M25-29 33:39 5:25 16:47 5:24 50:26 81.59
Adam Roach Monterey, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 5/11/14 1837 30 M 1 1 M30-34 32:57 5:18 16:44 5:23 49:41 82.82
ADAM ROACH Monterey, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 213 31 M 3 1 M30-34 33:22 5:22 16:41 5:22 50:03 82.28
Alan Reynolds sausalito, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 602 49 M 23 3 45-49 35:54 5:47 18:10 5:52 54:04 85.82
Alan Reynolds sausalito, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 131 50 M 14 1 M50-59 35:23 5:42 17:27 5:37 52:50 88.55
Alan Reynolds sausalito, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 2/22/14 205 50 M 7 1 M50-54 36:40 5:54 18:40 6:01 55:20 84.55
Alan Reynolds sausalito, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 5/11/14 1833 50 M 7 1 M50-54 35:56 5:47 18:28 5:57 54:25 85.97
Alan Reynolds sausalito, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/23/14 274 50 M 18 3 M50-54 38:44 6:14 18:56 6:06 57:40 81.13
Alan Reynolds sausalito, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/20/14 458 50 M 11 2 M50-54 37:22 6:01 18:53 6:05 56:15 83.17
ALAN REYNOLDS sausalito, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/21/14 368 51 M 21 2 M50-54 36:55 5:57 18:07 5:50 55:03 85.68
Amy Starr Lafayette, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 683 42 F 223 7 40-44 50:00 8:03 26:41 8:36 1:16:42 63.06
Amy Starr Lafayette, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 710 43 F 88 3 F40-44 50:41.91 8:10 25:20.08 8:10 01:16:01 64.11
Amy Starr Lafayette, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 599 43 F 129 5 F40-49 47:17 7:37 25:40 8:16 01:12:57 66.80
Amy Starr Lafayette, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 2/22/14 227 43 F 53 2 F40-44 48:35 7:50 24:25 7:52 01:13:00 66.76
Amy Starr Lafayette, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/23/14 305 44 F 47 2 F40-44 47:41 7:41 24:01 7:44 01:11:42 68.53
Amy Starr Lafayette, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/20/14 466 44 F 36 1 F40-44 46:37 7:31 24:13 7:48 01:10:50 69.36
AMY STARR Lafayette, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 160 45 F 38 2 F45-49 48:03 7:45 24:43 7:58 01:12:46 68.14
AMY STARR Lafayette, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 261 44 F 51 2 F40-44 46:55 7:34 23:52 7:41 01:10:47 69.41
Andy Wenzel Miami Lakes, FLUS Double Road Race Ft. Lauderdale 5/18/14 469 43 M 240 18 M40-44 1:18:19 12:37 44:10 14:14 02:02:29 35.36
ANDY WENZEL Miami Lakes, FLUS Double Road Race Ft. Lauderdale 12/21/14 145 44 M 84 5 M40-44 01:08:57 11:07 35:01 11:17 01:43:58 42.87
Angela Robinson Fishers , INUS Double Road Race Indy 8/11/13 331 45 F 150 8 F45-49 1:14:38 12:02 36:53.5 11:54 01:51:31 44.46
Angela Robinson San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Indianapolis 6/1/14 1295 46 F 74 3 F45-49 0:57:13 9:13 0:31:24 10:07 01:28:36 56.49
Angie Nygren kansas city, KSUS Double Road Race Overland Park 6/30/13 343 27 F 28 2 F25-29 40:05 6:27 20:07 6:29 1:00:12 76.74
Ashok Popat Menlo Park, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 512 52 M 146 18 M50-59 49:32 7:59 25:40 8:16 01:15:12 63.25
Bill Dunn Sunnyvale, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 18 65 M 81 1 65-69 42:36 6:52 21:05 6:48 1:03:42 83.91
Bill Dunn Sunnyvale, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 482 66 M 33 1 M65-69 43:18.43 6:59 21:47.79 7:01 01:05:06 82.90
Bill Dunn Sunnyvale, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/28/13 1027 66 M 19 1 M65-69 42:05 6:47 20:45 6:41 01:02:50 85.89
Bill Dunn Sunnyvale, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 111 66 M 55 3 M60-69 42:12 6:48 20:51 6:43 01:03:03 85.59
BILL DUNN Sunnyvale, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/21/14 125 67 M 61 2 M65-69 44:43 7:12 22:14 7:10 01:06:57 81.38
BILL DUNN Sunnyvale, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 63 67 M 37 1 M65-69 45:18 7:18 22:13 7:10 01:07:32 80.68
Bill Stogsdill Lee's Summit, MOUS Double Road Race Overland Park 6/30/13 420 38 M 99 10 M35-39 48:22 7:48 23:58 7:43 1:12:20 58.80
Bob Anderson Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 50 64 M 93 5 60-64 43:25 6:59 21:38 6:59 1:05:03 81.40
Bob Anderson Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race Overland Park 6/30/13 105 65 M 92 2 M65-69 47:41 7:41 23:02 7:25 1:10:43 75.58
Bob Anderson Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race Denver 7/21/13 6 65 M 58 1 65 to 69 49:16 7:56 23:46 7:39 1:13:02 73.19
Bob Anderson Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race Indy 8/11/13 207 65 M 23 1 M65-69 46:06.6 7:26 22:45.3 7:20 01:08:51 77.63
Bob Anderson Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 410 65 M 58 3 M65-69 47:08.28 7:36 22:43.26 7:19 01:09:51 76.52
Bob Anderson Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/28/13 1001 65 M 23 4 M65-69 44:19 7:08 21:48 7:01 01:06:07 80.84
Bob Anderson Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race Manhattan 11/9/13 1140 65 M 27 1 M60-69 0:44:59 7:15 0:21:56 7:04 01:06:55 79.88
Bob Anderson Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race Greece 12/1/13 1257 66 M 56 1 M60-69 0:45:21 7:18 0:21:46 7:01 01:07:07 80.41
Bob Anderson Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 101 65 M 73 5 M60-69 44:35 7:11 21:42 7:00 01:06:17 80.64
Bob Anderson Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 2/22/14 20 66 M 35 2 M65-69 45:49 7:23 22:19 7:11 01:08:08 79.21
Bob Anderson Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 5/11/14 1606 66 M 51 1 M65-69 46:52 7:33 23:33 7:35 01:10:25 76.64
Bob Anderson Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race Ft. Lauderdale 5/18/14 109 66 M 56 2 M65-69 49:59 8:03 24:57 8:02 01:14:56 70.50
Bob Anderson Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race Indianapolis 6/1/14 1202 66 M 28 2 M65-69 0:49:22 7:57 0:23:01 7:25 01:12:21 74.59
Bob Anderson Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race Overland Park 6/29/14 504 66 M 68 3 M65-69 49:53 8:02 23:05 7:26 01:12:58 73.96
Bob Anderson Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/23/14 1 66 M 56 1 M65-69 49:02 7:54 23:52 7:41 01:12:54 74.03
Bob Anderson Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/20/14 401 66 M 32 2 M65-69 46:01 7:25 22:11 7:09 01:08:12 79.13
Bob Anderson Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race Athens Greece 11/29/14 16 66 M 117 1 M65-69 0:51:37 8:19 0:24:49 8:00 01:16:26 71.28
BOB ANDERSON Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/21/14 1 66 M 102 3 M65-69 49:39 8:00 23:21 7:31 01:13:01 73.91
Bob Anderson Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race Overland Park Kansas 12/21/14 553 67 M 37 2 M65-69 50:28 8:08 24:41 7:57 01:15:09 72.50
BOB ANDERSON Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race Ft. Lauderdale 12/21/14 1 67 M 24 1 M65-69 51:31 8:18 23:48 7:40 01:15:19 72.34
BOB ANDERSON Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 1 67 M 45 1 M65-69 49:23 7:57 24:12 7:48 01:13:35 74.04
BOB ANDERSON Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 1 67 M 57 2 M65-69 48:39 7:50 23:41 7:38 01:12:21 75.31
Bob Anderson Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race Oklahoma City 04/04/15 502 67 M 7 1 M65-69 47:40 7:41 23:47 7:40 01:11:27 76.25
BOB ANDERSON Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race Thessaloniki, Greece 04/04/15 369 67 M 6 3 M40 & OVER 48:34 7:48 23:15 7:29 01:11:49 75.86
Bob Anderson Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race Chicago Double 04/04/15 505 67 M 12 1 M65-69 50:31 8:08 24:45 7:59 01:15:16 72.39
Bob Anderson Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race Tokyo 04/04/15 235 67 M 124 4 M60-69 49:03 7:54 24:03 7:45 01:13:06 74.53
BOB ANDERSON Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race Bali Indonesia 04/19/15 103 67 M 9 2 M65-69 45:09 7:16 25:45 8:18 01:10:54 76.85
BOB ANDERSON Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 05/10/15 1 67 M 45 2 M65-69 47:57 7:44 21:24 6:54 01:09:22 78.54
BOB ANDERSON Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 09/19/15 251 67 M 29 4 M60-69 48:39 7:50 23:50 7:41 01:12:29 75.17
Bobby McKee La Selva Beach, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 51 63 M 72 3 60-64 41:27 6:40 20:57 6:45 1:02:24 84.05
Bobby Mckee La Selva Beach, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 123 64 M 52 2 M60-69 41:31 6:41 20:35 6:38 01:02:06 85.27
Bobby Mckee La Selva Beach, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 5/11/14 1788 64 M 27 1 M60-64 41:27 6:41 21:34 6:57 01:03:02 84.00
BOBBY MCKEE La Selva Beach, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/21/14 280 65 M 55 1 M65-69 43:47 7:03 21:46 7:01 01:05:33 81.54
BOBBY MCKEE La Selva Beach, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 05/10/15 117 65 M 25 1 M65-69 42:47 6:54 20:49 6:42 01:03:37 84.02
Brian Davis Livermore, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 15 57 M 30 1 55-59 37:43 6:04 18:55 6:06 56:38 87.70
Brian Davis Livermore, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 468 57 M 15 1 M55-59 38:00.89 6:07 19:02.08 6:08 57:02 87.08
Brian Davis Livermore, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/28/13 1023 58 M 8 1 M55-59 37:17 6:00 18:36 6:00 55:54 89.65
Brian Davis Livermore, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 109 58 M 42 2 M50-59 39:26 6:21 20:06 6:29 59:32 84.18
Brian Davis Livermore, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 2/22/14 66 58 M 14 1 M55-59 38:59 6:17 19:34 6:18 58:34 85.57
Brian Davis Livermore, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 5/11/14 1659 58 M 17 1 M55-59 38:50 6:15 20:18 6:32 59:09 84.73
Brian Davis Livermore, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/23/14 78 58 M 19 1 M55-59 39:05 6:18 19:22 6:14 58:27 85.74
Brian Davis Livermore, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/20/14 405 59 M 14 1 M55-59 38:18 6:10 19:07 6:10 57:25 88.27
BRIAN DAVIS Livermore, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/21/14 104 59 M 38 3 M55-59 40:30 6:31 21:09 6:49 01:01:40 82.00
BRIAN DAVIS Livermore, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 42 59 M 11 1 M55-59 40:02 6:27 19:59 6:26 01:00:01 84.25
BRIAN DAVIS Livermore, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 55 59 M 33 2 M55-59 42:27 6:50 21:21 6:53 01:03:48 79.26
BRIAN DAVIS Livermore, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 05/10/15 44 59 M 19 1 M55-59 41:34 6:42 19:28 6:16 01:01:02 82.85
BRIAN DAVIS Livermore, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 09/19/15 255 60 M 10 1 M60-69 38:36 6:13 19:34 6:18 58:10 87.71
Bruce Gilbert Overland Park, KSUS Double Road Race Indy 8/11/13 264 63 M 24 1 M60-64 47:30.4 7:39 22:44.9 7:20 01:10:15 74.66
Bruce Gilbert Overland Park, KSUS Double Road Race Manhattan 11/9/13 977 64 M 28 2 M60-69 0:44:53 7:14 0:22:05 7:07 01:06:58 79.07
BRUCE GILBERT Overland Park, KSUS Double Road Race Overland Park Kansas 05/10/15 635 65 M 34 1 M65-69 47:03 7:35 23:16 7:30 01:10:19 76.01
Cari Camic Martinsville, INUS Double Road Race Indy 8/11/13 227 40 F 65 3 F40-44 53:58.5 8:42 26:57.9 8:41 01:20:56 58.98
Cari Camic Coram, NYUS Double Road Race Indianapolis 6/1/14 1219 41 F 56 F40-44 0:54:40 8:49 0:27:28 8:51 01:22:06 58.51
Chandler Kemp Menlo Park, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 2/22/14 120 24 M 1 1 M20-24 32:37 5:15 15:45 5:04 48:23 85.05
Charisma Bermudez Mountain House, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 147 33 F 642 49 30-34 1:20:10 12:55 36:15 11:42 1:56:25 39.86
Charisma Bermudez Mountain House, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 184 34 F 342 42 F30-39 1:00:22 9:44 31:27 10:08 01:31:49 50.64
Cheyne Inman Vacaville, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 34 27 M 5 3 25-29 31:49 5:07 15:44 5:05 47:33 86.54
Cheyne Inman Vacaville, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 114 28 M 6 5 M20-29 32:56 5:18 16:44 5:23 49:40 82.85
Christine Kennedy Los Gatos, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 38 57 F 45 1 55-59 39:14 6:19 19:19 6:14 58:34 97.81
Christine Kennedy Los Gatos, CAUS Double Road Race Overland Park 6/30/13 281 58 F 27 1 F55-59 40:01 6:27 19:56 6:25 59:58 96.83
Christine Kennedy Los Gatos, CAUS Double Road Race Denver 7/21/13 83 58 F 27 1 55 to 59 40:44 6:34 20:33 6:37 1:01:17 94.75
Christine Kennedy Los Gatos, CAUS Double Road Race Indy 8/11/13 286 58 F 9 1 F55-59 40:16.9 6:29 19:45.0 6:22 01:00:01 96.75
Christine Kennedy Los Gatos, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 563 58 F 21 1 F55-59 39:52.84 6:25 19:49.72 6:23 59:42 97.26
Christine Kennedy Los Gatos, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/28/13 1044 58 F 12 1 F55-59 39:30 6:22 19:39 6:20 59:10 98.14
Christine Kennedy Los Gatos, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 117 58 F 39 2 F50-59 39:34 6:22 19:31 6:17 59:05 98.28
Christine Kennedy Los Gatos, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 5/11/14 1742 59 F 21 1 F55-59 39:49 6:25 20:23 6:34 01:00:12 97.81
Christine Kennedy Los Gatos, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/23/14 163 59 F 22 1 F55-59 40:55 6:35 20:07 6:29 01:01:02 96.48
CHRISTINE KENNEDY Los Gatos, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/21/14 219 59 F 33 1 F55-59 39:51 6:25 19:50 6:23 59:41 98.66
CHRISTINE KENNEDY Los Gatos, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 240 60 F 20 1 F60-64 44:26 7:10 21:40 6:59 01:06:06 90.32
CHRISTINE KENNEDY Los Gatos, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 05/10/15 92 60 F 11 1 F60-64 39:32 6:22 18:43 6:02 58:16 100.00
CHRISTINE KENNEDY Los Gatos, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 09/19/15 301 60 F 15 1 F60-69 40:32 6:32 20:39 6:39 01:01:11 97.58
Cindy Harris Indianapolis, INUS Double Road Race Indy 8/11/13 276 44 F 17 1 F40-44 45:14.0 7:17 22:28.0 7:14 01:07:42 72.58
Cindy Harris Waconia, MNUS Double Road Race Indianapolis 6/1/14 1248 45 F 16 1 F45-49 0:46:08 7:26 0:23:00 7:25 01:09:06 71.76
Colin Morrissey Omaha, NEUS Double Road Race Overland Park 6/30/13 331 23 M 5 2 M20-24 34:21 5:32 16:28 5:18 50:49 80.98
Daniel Tapia Castroville, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 58 26 M 2 1 25-29 31:01 5:00 15:03 4:51 46:05 89.29
Daniel Tapia Castroville, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/28/13 1112 26 M 1 1 M25-29 30:28 4:54 15:12 4:54 45:40 90.11
Daniel Tapia Castroville, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 137 27 M 3 2 M20-29 31:14 5:02 15:29 4:59 46:43 88.08
Ernesto Aristeo Menlo Park, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 2/22/14 21 35 M 8 1 M35-39 36:59 5:57 18:22 5:55 55:21 75.37
Ernesto Aristeo Menlo Park, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 5/11/14 1608 35 M 13 2 M35-39 38:14 6:10 19:14 6:12 57:29 72.57
Ernesto Aristeo Menlo Park, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/23/14 11 35 M 10 1 M35-39 36:21 5:51 18:10 5:51 54:31 76.52
Ernesto Aristeo Menlo Park, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/20/14 388 35 M 7 1 M35-39 35:44 5:45 17:50 5:45 53:34 77.88
ERNESTO ARISTEO Menlo Park, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 11 36 M 10 1 M35-39 36:27 5:52 18:15 5:53 54:42 76.69
ERNESTO ARISTEO Menlo Park, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 05/10/15 5 36 M 13 2 M35-39 39:50 6:25 18:35 5:59 58:26 71.79
Francine Young Salinas, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 5/11/14 1895 47 F 211 14 F45-49 1:06:18 10:41 32:43 10:33 01:39:01 51.05
Gabrielle Reed Bloomington, INUS Double Road Race Indy 8/11/13 330 20 F 46 2 F20-24 50:44.4 8:11 26:31.1 8:33 01:17:15 59.83
Gabrielle Reed salinas, CAUS Double Road Race Indianapolis 6/1/14 1293 21 F 39 1 F20-24 0:51:18 8:16 0:25:52 8:20 01:17:09 59.88
Gary Greenberg San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 517 52 M 197 14 M50-54 01:01:33.58 9:55 30:06.51 9:42 01:31:40 51.89
Gary Greenberg San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 2/22/14 96 52 M 131 14 M50-54 59:15 9:33 29:11 9:24 01:28:26 53.79
Gary Greenberg San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 5/11/14 1709 52 M 159 9 M50-54 58:47 9:28 30:09 9:43 01:28:57 53.48
Gary Greenberg San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/23/14 5446 53 M 187 14 M50-54 01:02:32 10:05 30:46 9:55 01:33:18 51.43
Gary Greenberg San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/20/14 5446 53 M 71 6 M50-54 01:03:44 10:16 32:12 10:23 01:35:56 50.02
GARY GREENBERG San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/21/14 5446 53 M 388 29 M50-54 01:11:17 11:29 37:57 12:14 01:49:15 43.92
Gerry Elemento San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 487 45 M 158 12 M45-49 55:59.87 9:01 29:26.87 9:29 01:25:26 52.58
Gerry Elemento San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/28/13 1029 45 M 36 4 M45-49 50:29 8:08 25:43 8:17 01:16:12 58.95
Gerry Elemento San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 2/22/14 75 46 M 90 9 M45-49 54:48 8:50 27:30 8:52 01:22:18 55.00
Gerry Elemento San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 5/11/14 1673 46 M 92 9 M45-49 52:32 8:28 26:56 8:41 01:19:29 56.95
Gerry Elemento San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/23/14 95 46 M 135 20 M45-49 55:25 8:56 29:24 9:29 01:24:49 53.37
Glenn Stellhorn Overland Park, KSUS Double Road Race Overland Park 6/30/13 418 43 M 35 4 M40-44 41:04 6:37 20:25 6:35 1:01:30 71.87
Glenn Stellhorn Overland Park, KSUS Double Road Race Overland Park 6/29/14 785 44 M 24 4 M40-44 41:05 6:37 20:57 6:45 01:02:02 71.84
Glenn Stellhorn Overland Park, KSUS Double Road Race Overland Park Kansas 05/10/15 606 45 M 21 2 M45-49 44:18 7:08 21:24 6:54 01:05:42 68.37
Greg Schultz Kettering, OHUS Double Road Race Indy 8/11/13 341 36 M 32 2 M35-39 48:39.3 7:50 24:32.7 7:55 01:13:12 57.31
Greg Schultz elk grove, CAUS Double Road Race Indianapolis 6/1/14 1303 36 M 29 2 M35-39 0:48:01 7:44 0:24:27 7:53 01:12:26 57.92
Harlan Lopez Austin, TXUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 41 27 M 13 7 25-29 32:50 5:17 16:37 5:22 49:28 83.19
Harlan Lopez Austin, TXUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 587 28 M 8 4 M25-29 34:12.14 5:30 17:29.86 5:38 51:42 79.59
Harlan Lopez Austin, TXUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 119 28 M 10 7 M20-29 34:36 5:34 16:26 5:18 51:02 80.63
Howie Tilford Myrtle Beach, SCUS Double Road Race Ft. Lauderdale 5/18/14 449 39 M 19 2 M35-39 40:46 6:34 21:15 6:51 01:02:01 67.67
Ivan Medina hayward , CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 53 26 M 10 6 25-29 32:38 5:15 16:18 5:15 48:56 84.09
Ivan Medina hayward , CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 606 27 M 4 3 M25-29 32:31.76 5:14 15:59.65 5:09 48:31 84.82
Ivan Medina hayward , CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 124 27 M 4 3 M20-29 32:35 5:15 15:56 5:08 48:31 84.82
Ivan Medina hayward , CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/20/14 437 28 M 2 1 M25-29 31:20 5:03 15:29 4:59 46:49 87.90
IVAN MEDINA hayward , CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 176 29 M 4 1 M25-29 33:52 5:27 16:39 5:22 50:31 81.46
James Harris Indianapolis, INUS Double Road Race Indy 8/11/13 277 49 M 8 1 M45-49 39:29.7 6:22 19:28.2 6:16 58:57 78.71
James Harris Kansas City , MOUS Double Road Race Indianapolis 6/1/14 1249 50 M 7 3 M50-54 0:38:59 6:17 0:19:12 6:11 58:10 80.43
Jennifer O'Quinn Peyton, COUS Double Road Race Denver 7/21/13 111 40 F 127 13 40 to 44 62:12 10:01 33:05 10:39 1:35:17 50.10
Jessica Tauber Denver, COUS Double Road Race Denver 7/21/13 144 25 F 53 4 25 to 29 48:34 7:49 23:56 7:43 1:12:30 63.72
JIM BARKER San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 17 68 M 189 4 M65-69 01:14:53 12:04 42:20 13:39 01:57:13 46.94
Joann Dahlkoetter San Carlos, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 14 59 F 220 3 55-59 50:41 8:10 25:53 8:21 1:16:35 76.89
Joann Dahlkoetter San Carlos, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 464 59 F 73 2 F55-59 47:56.42 7:43 24:43.03 7:58 01:12:39 81.05
Joann Dahlkoetter San Carlos, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/28/13 1022 60 F 27 1 F60-64 47:44 7:41 23:50 7:41 01:11:34 83.42
Joann Dahlkoetter San Carlos, CAUS Double Road Race Manhattan 11/9/13 1136 60 F 46 1 F60-69 0:47:44 7:41 0:23:46 7:40 01:11:30 83.50
Joann Dahlkoetter San Carlos, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 108 60 F 116 2 F60-69 47:07 7:35 23:44 7:39 01:10:51 84.26
Jodi Labossiere Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 39 43 F 497 38 40-44 1:00:46 9:47 32:57 10:38 1:33:43 52.00
Jodi Labossiere Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 573 43 F 243 18 F40-44 01:01:46.54 9:57 35:08.18 11:20 01:36:54 50.29
John Hofacre Capitola, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 819 61 M 78 2 M60-64 49:57.46 8:03 24:00.06 7:44 01:13:57 69.62
John Hofacre Capitola, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 357 61 M 121 10 M60-69 48:33 7:49 23:19 7:31 01:11:52 71.64
John Hofacre Capitola, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 5/11/14 1730 61 M 58 5 M60-64 48:21 7:47 25:00 8:03 01:13:22 70.17
JOHN HOFACRE Capitola, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 05/10/15 84 62 M 57 4 M60-64 50:18 8:06 22:51 7:22 01:13:09 71.04
Mike Finkner kearney, NEUS Double Road Race Denver 7/21/13 47 63 M 40 1 60 to 64 46:32 7:30 22:40 7:18 1:09:12 75.79
John Pitzel Lees Summit, MOUS Double Road Race Overland Park 6/30/13 360 50 M 347 11 M50-54 1:17:55 12:34 40:28 13:03 1:58:24 39.51
John Van Metre San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 54 30 M 11 3 30-34 32:46 5:17 16:17 5:15 49:03 83.89
Jonya Meyer Stockton`, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 454 41 F 58 1 F40-49 42:31 6:51 21:05 6:48 01:03:36 75.52
Jonya Meyer Stockton`, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 2/22/14 151 41 F 25 1 F40-44 42:36 6:52 21:13 6:50 01:03:49 75.27
Jose Maldonado San Francisco, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 436 33 M 34 6 M30-39 39:09 6:18 19:08 6:10 58:17 71.00
Jose Maldonado San Francisco, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 2/22/14 285 33 M 12 1 M30-34 38:37 6:13 19:06 6:09 57:43 71.70
Jose Maldonado San Francisco, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/23/14 191 33 M 16 4 M30-34 37:20 6:01 19:21 6:14 56:41 73.01
Jose Maldonado San Francisco, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/20/14 434 33 M 17 4 M30-34 39:17 6:20 20:59 6:46 01:00:16 68.67
JOSE MALDONADO San Francisco, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 307 34 M 18 4 M30-34 40:01 6:27 18:58 6:07 59:00 70.40
Jose Pina San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 64 42 M 18 1 40-44 34:04 5:29 17:51 5:45 51:55 84.49
Jose Pina San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 651 43 M 10 1 M40-44 35:51.09 5:46 18:03.54 5:49 53:54 82.00
Jose Pina San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 129 43 M 9 1 M40-49 34:05 5:29 16:55 5:27 51:00 86.67
Jose Pina San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 2/22/14 192 43 M 5 1 M40-44 35:32 5:43 17:43 5:42 53:15 83.00
Jose Pina San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 5/11/14 1819 44 M 5 1 M40-44 34:22 5:32 17:58 5:47 52:20 85.16
Jose Pina San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/20/14 455 44 M 5 1 M40-44 33:58 5:28 17:13 5:33 51:11 87.07
JOSE PINA San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/21/14 347 44 M 14 2 M40-44 34:34 5:34 17:02 5:29 51:37 86.34
JOSE PINA San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 127 45 M 6 2 M45-49 36:06 5:49 17:59 5:48 54:05 83.05
JOSE PINA San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 313 44 M 8 1 M40-44 36:02 5:48 18:31 5:58 54:33 81.70
JOSE PINA San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 05/10/15 134 45 M 3 1 M45-49 35:04 5:39 16:33 5:20 51:38 86.99
JOSE PINA San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 09/19/15 316 45 M 5 3 M40-49 35:19 5:41 18:26 5:56 53:45 83.57
Jose Pina Jr. San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 115 16 M 11 1 M19 & UNDER 34:44 5:36 16:28 5:18 51:12 85.38
Jr Mintz Hercules, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 2/22/14 160 47 M 23 2 M45-49 41:58 6:46 20:38 6:39 01:02:37 72.88
Julius Koskei Hebron, KYKE Double Road Race Indy 8/11/13 290 31 M 1 1 M30-34 29:48.6 4:48 14:43.3 4:44 44:31 92.51
Julius Koskei Hebron, KYKE Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 118 31 M 1 1 M30-39 29:45 4:47 14:39 4:43 44:24 92.76
Julius Koskei Hebron, KYKE Double Road Race Indianapolis 6/1/14 1264 32 M 1 1 M30-34 0:30:14 4:52 0:14:39 4:43 44:51 92.01
JULIUS KOSKEI Hebron, KYKE Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/21/14 228 32 M 2 1 M30-34 30:46 4:57 15:04 4:51 45:51 90.00
JULIUS KOSKEI Hebron, KYKE Double Road Race Pacific Grove 05/10/15 96 33 M 1 1 M30-34 29:10 4:42 14:00 4:30 43:11 95.83
Junjie Bu Plesanton, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 197 37 M 128 20 M30-39 48:48 7:52 24:01 7:44 01:12:49 57.98
Karen Richards Pleasanton, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 538 51 F 126 6 F50-59 47:57 7:44 24:47 7:59 01:12:44 72.85
Kat Powell San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 582 62 F 422 2 60-64 58:03 9:21 29:56 9:39 1:27:59 69.82
Kat Powell San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/28/13 1072 62 F 41 2 F60-64 51:53 8:22 26:26 8:31 01:18:19 78.44
Kat Powell San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 514 63 F 201 4 F60-69 53:14 8:35 26:57 8:41 01:20:11 77.74
Kat Powell San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 2/22/14 196 63 F 95 2 F60-64 54:53 8:51 28:30 9:11 01:23:24 74.74
Kat Powell San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 5/11/14 1822 63 F 125 2 F60-64 54:30 8:47 29:08 9:23 01:23:39 74.52
Kat Powell San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/23/14 259 63 F 122 2 F60-64 54:16 8:45 27:51 8:59 01:22:07 75.91
Kat Powell San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/20/14 457 63 F 45 2 F60-64 52:09 8:24 26:31 8:33 01:18:40 79.24
KAT POWELL San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/21/14 353 64 F 163 3 F60-64 53:23 8:36 27:32 8:52 01:20:56 78.17
KAT POWELL San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 218 64 F 107 1 F60-64 53:49 8:40 28:00 9:01 01:21:50 77.31
KAT POWELL San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 128 64 F 91 3 F60-64 55:54 9:00 28:35 9:13 01:24:29 74.89
KAT POWELL San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 05/10/15 135 64 F 106 3 F60-64 55:25 8:56 27:40 8:55 01:23:05 76.15
KAT POWELL San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 09/19/15 290 64 F 40 3 F60-69 53:18 8:35 28:50 9:18 01:22:08 77.03
Kathryn Brake Kansas City, MOUS Double Road Race Overland Park 6/30/13 128 23 F 20 1 F20-24 39:20 6:20 19:08 6:10 58:29 79.00
Kathryn Brake Kansas City, MOUS Double Road Race Overland Park 6/29/14 529 24 F 31 1 F20-24 42:17 6:49 21:37 6:58 01:03:54 72.30
Kelsey Gurganus Indianapolis, INUS Double Road Race Indy 8/11/13 387 27 F 16 3 F25-29 44:08.9 7:07 22:21.6 7:12 01:06:30 69.47
Kerry Mcdermott Lincoln, NEUS Double Road Race Overland Park 6/30/13 313 55 M 49 3 M55-59 42:13 6:48 21:05 6:48 1:03:18 77.09
Kerry Mcdermott Lincoln, NEUS Double Road Race Manhattan 11/9/13 924 56 M 18 3 M50-59 0:42:03 6:46 0:21:05 6:48 01:03:08 77.98
Kevin McGinnis Ravensdale, WAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 81 48 M 39 4 45-49 38:51 6:15 18:53 6:05 57:44 79.71
Kevin Mcginnis Ravensdale, WAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 122 49 M 25 4 M40-49 37:01 5:58 18:24 5:56 55:25 83.73
Kevin Mcginnis Ravensdale, WAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/23/14 202 50 M 20 4 M50-54 39:40 6:23 18:53 6:05 58:33 79.90
Kevin Mcginnis Ravensdale, WAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/20/14 436 50 M 12 3 M50-54 38:04 6:08 18:22 5:55 56:26 82.90
KEVIN MCGINNIS Ravensdale, WAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/21/14 279 50 M 34 3 M50-54 40:04 6:27 19:45 6:22 59:50 78.19
Kyle Lefeber Indianapolis, INUS Double Road Race Indy 8/11/13 294 24 M 29 3 M20-24 48:34.3 7:50 23:40.1 7:38 01:12:14 56.97
Kyle Lefeber San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Indianapolis 6/1/14 1266 25 M 17 1 M25-29 0:46:44 7:32 0:22:51 7:22 01:09:33 59.17
Kyle Lefeber Indianapolis, INUS Double Road Race Overland Park Kansas 02/21/15 617 26 M 26 6 M25-29 45:46 7:22 23:00 7:25 01:08:46 59.84
Lauri Mclain Stockton, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 450 44 F 162 11 F40-49 51:15 8:15 25:29 8:13 01:16:44 64.03
Lisa Anderson-wall Los Altos, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 5/11/14 1607 41 F 80 3 F40-44 50:22 8:07 26:45 8:37 01:17:07 62.29
Lupe Estebanez Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 490 37 F 339 25 F35-39 01:17:55.99 12:34 55:06.90 17:46 02:13:02 35.33
Liudmila Stepanova Double Road Race Indy 8/11/13 357 29 F 4 1 F25-29 35:26.1 5:42 17:12.5 5:33 52:38 87.78
Liudmila Stepanova Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 711 30 F 11 1 F30-34 36:22.18 5:51 17:50.53 5:45 54:12 85.27
Matt Duffy Mountain View, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 17 22 M 4 1 20-24 31:50 5:08 15:24 4:58 47:15 87.13
Matt Duffy Mountain View, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 481 23 M 7 2 M20-24 34:02.21 5:29 16:47.24 5:24 50:49 80.98
Matt Duffy Mountain View, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/28/13 1026 23 M 3 1 M20-24 33:50 5:27 16:04 5:10 49:54 82.46
Matt Duffy Mountain View, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 110 23 M 8 6 M20-29 34:32 5:34 16:17 5:15 50:49 80.98
Matt Thompson Denver, COUS Double Road Race Denver 7/21/13 147 27 M 15 3 25 to 29 37:16 6:00 18:42 6:01 55:57 73.55
Matthew Proctor Indianapolis, INUS Double Road Race Indy 8/11/13 327 24 M 3 2 M20-24 32:05.1 5:10 15:37.8 5:02 47:42 86.27
Melody-anne Schultz Ross, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 566 72 F 137 1 F70 & OVER 49:23 7:57 24:06 7:46 01:13:29 97.78
Michael Brooks PLEASANTON, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 164 17 M 142 6  2-19 46:25 7:28 23:30 7:35 1:09:55 61.64
Michael Brooks PLEASANTON, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 105 18 M 68 12 M19 & UNDER 44:26 7:10 21:24 6:54 01:05:50 64.66
Missy New Olathe, KSUS Double Road Race Overland Park 6/30/13 341 38 F 76 2 F35-39 45:51 7:23 22:38 7:18 1:08:29 68.95
Natasha Yaremczuk paris, ONUS Double Road Race Ft. Lauderdale 5/18/14 478 34 F 6 1 F30-34 36:43 5:55 19:08 6:10 55:52 81.53
NATASHA YAREMCZUK paris, ONUS Double Road Race Ft. Lauderdale 02/21/15 95 35 F 4 1 F35-39 39:14 6:19 19:22 6:14 58:36 79.61
Osamu Tada Sacramento, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 697 32 M 12 4 30-34 33:01 5:19 16:12 5:14 49:14 83.82
Osamu Tada Sacramento, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 715 33 M 9 2 M30-34 35:48.84 5:46 16:42.38 5:23 52:31 78.80
Osamu Tada Sacramento, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 135 33 M 7 2 M30-39 34:03 5:29 16:21 5:16 50:24 82.11
Osamu Tada Sacramento, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 5/11/14 1865 33 M 2 2 M30-34 33:10 5:20 16:47 5:24 49:58 82.82
Osamu Tada Sacramento, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/23/14 314 34 M 3 2 M30-34 34:27 5:33 16:07 5:11 50:34 82.14
Osamu Tada Sacramento, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/20/14 470 34 M 3 1 M30-34 33:52 5:27 16:09 5:12 50:01 83.04
OSAMU TADA Sacramento, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/21/14 427 34 M 11 2 M30-34 34:11 5:30 16:09 5:12 50:21 82.49
OSAMU TADA Sacramento, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 166 35 M 4 1 M35-39 35:41 5:45 16:48 5:25 52:29 79.49
OSAMU TADA Sacramento, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 269 34 M 7 2 M30-34 35:44 5:45 16:54 5:27 52:39 78.89
OSAMU TADA Sacramento, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 05/10/15 163 34 M 2 2 M30-34 34:48 5:36 15:50 5:06 50:39 82.00
OSAMU TADA Sacramento, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 09/19/15 300 35 M 3 1 M30-39 34:57 5:38 16:50 5:25 51:47 80.56
Paul Carlin Double Road Race Indianapolis 6/1/14 1221 68 M 11 1 M65-69 0:41:37 6:42 0:21:14 6:50 01:02:50 87.56
Peter Mullin Houston, TXUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 127 63 M 26 1 M60-69 37:07 5:59 18:48 6:03 55:55 93.80
Peter Mullin Houston, TXUS Double Road Race Ft. Lauderdale 5/18/14 373 63 M 8 1 M60-64 37:09 5:59 19:04 6:09 56:14 91.35
Peter Mullin Houston, TXUS Double Road Race Overland Park 6/29/14 678 63 M 12 1 M60-64 38:19 6:10 18:54 6:05 57:14 91.64
Seth Rachelson Miami, FLUS Double Road Race Ft. Lauderdale 5/18/14 403 42 M 44 7 M40-44 46:51 7:33 25:54 8:21 01:12:46 59.07
Phillip Cheng San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 454 29 M 228 18 M25-29 55:46.42 8:59 39:31.89 12:45 01:35:18 43.18
Phyllis Karsten Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 561 88 F 342 1 F75 & OVER 01:33:41.38 15:06 52:35.61 16:57 02:26:16 75.21
Phyllis Karsten Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 381 88 F 514 2 F70 & OVER 1:37:51 15:46 49:44 16:02 02:27:35 74.53
Phyllis Karsten Double Road Race San Jose 2/22/14 118 89 F 248 1 F75 & OVER 1:38:49 15:56 50:54 16:25 02:29:44 77.58
Preston Hamilton Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 526 37 M 28 1 M35-39 42:53.31 6:55 20:54.18 6:44 01:03:47 66.19
Preston Hamilton Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/20/14 417 38 M 22 2 M35-39 43:31 7:01 19:54 6:25 01:03:25 67.07
Ron Kiyono union city, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 567 65 M 36 2 M65-69 43:59.61 7:05 22:09.61 7:08 01:06:09 80.80
Ron Kiyono union city, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/28/13 1110 65 M 22 3 M65-69 43:24 7:00 21:31 6:56 01:04:55 82.34
Ron Kiyono union city, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 719 65 M 76 6 M60-69 44:30 7:10 22:03 7:06 01:06:33 80.32
Ron Kiyono union city, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 2/22/14 123 66 M 30 1 M65-69 44:28 7:10 22:39 7:18 01:07:08 80.39
Ron Kiyono union city, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/20/14 425 66 M 25 1 M65-69 43:30 7:00 22:01 7:06 01:05:31 82.37
Rosa Gutierrez San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 804 49 F 90 3 45-49 42:56 6:55 21:58 7:05 1:04:55 79.64
Rosa Gutierrez San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 522 49 F 25 1 F45-49 41:31.07 6:41 20:40.28 6:40 01:02:11 83.14
Rosa Gutierrez San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/28/13 1095 49 F 14 1 F45-49 39:39 6:23 19:49 6:23 59:29 86.92
Rosa Gutierrez San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 113 50 F 37 1 F50-59 39:22 6:20 19:38 6:20 59:00 88.70
Rosa Gutierrez San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 2/22/14 100 50 F 20 1 F50-54 40:43 6:34 20:26 6:35 01:01:10 85.56
Rosa Gutierrez San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 5/11/14 1715 50 F 30 1 F50-54 42:19 6:49 22:01 7:06 01:04:20 81.35
Rosa Gutierrez San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/20/14 416 50 F 18 1 F50-54 40:31 6:32 20:11 6:30 01:00:42 86.22
ROSA GUTIERREZ San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/21/14 177 51 F 41 1 F50-54 41:16 6:39 20:46 6:41 01:02:02 85.41
ROSA GUTIERREZ San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 101 51 F 24 1 F50-54 40:47 6:34 20:13 6:31 01:01:01 86.83
ROSA GUTIERREZ San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 05/10/15 76 51 F 10 1 F50-54 39:29 6:22 18:36 6:00 58:05 91.22
ROSA GUTIERREZ San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 09/19/15 275 51 F 14 1 F50-59 39:16 6:20 20:08 6:29 59:24 89.20
Scott Poff Sunnyvale, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 580 40 M 355 31 40-44 56:21 9:04 27:45 8:57 1:24:07 51.34
Scott Poff Sunnyvale, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 655 41 M 137 10 M40-44 54:23.54 8:46 27:20.96 8:49 01:21:44 53.24
Scott Poff Sunnyvale, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/28/13 1071 41 M 72 2 M40-44 1:06:01 10:38 29:19 9:27 01:35:20 45.65
Sean Curry Salinas, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/28/13 1021 45 M 11 1 M45-49 38:51 6:15 19:29 6:17 58:21 76.98
Sean Curry Salinas, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 241 45 M 27 5 M40-49 37:21 6:01 18:42 6:01 56:03 80.14
Sean Curry Salinas, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 5/11/14 1654 46 M 8 2 M45-49 36:44 5:55 19:08 6:10 55:52 81.03
Sean Curry Salinas, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/20/14 404 46 M 10 1 M45-49 37:25 6:02 18:22 5:55 55:47 81.15
SEAN CURRY Salinas, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/21/14 103 46 M 27 3 M45-49 37:50 6:06 19:05 6:09 56:56 79.51
SEAN CURRY Salinas, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 53 47 M 15 2 M45-49 38:28 6:12 19:04 6:09 57:33 79.29
SEAN CURRY Salinas, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 09/19/15 283 47 M 9 4 M40-49 38:25 6:11 19:42 6:21 58:07 78.52
Shelley Brake Overland Park, KSUS Double Road Race Overland Park 6/30/13 129 35 F 19 1 F35-39 39:06 6:18 19:12 6:11 58:19 79.99
Stephanie Shidler Plymouth , INUS Double Road Race Indy 8/11/13 345 37 F 127 13 F35-39 1:01:48 9:58 33:26.8 10:47 01:35:14 49.35
Steve Cryer Rohnert Park, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 240 61 M 57 4 M60-69 42:39 6:52 20:56 6:45 01:03:35 80.97
Steve Cryer Rohnert Park, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 2/22/14 63 61 M 24 1 M60-64 42:41 6:53 21:03 6:47 01:03:44 80.78
Steve Cryer Rohnert Park, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 5/11/14 1652 62 M 29 2 M60-64 42:16 6:49 21:52 7:03 01:04:09 81.01
Steve Cryer Rohnert Park, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/23/14 73 62 M 28 1 M60-64 43:47 7:03 21:39 6:59 01:05:26 79.42
Steve Cryer Rohnert Park, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/20/14 403 62 M 20 2 M60-64 42:10 6:48 20:59 6:46 01:03:09 82.29
Steve Cryer Rohnert Park, CAUS Double Road Race Overland Park Kansas 12/21/14 615 63 M 23 1 M60-64 44:04 7:06 22:46 7:20 01:06:50 78.48
STEVE CRYER Rohnert Park, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/21/14 100 62 M 48 1 M60-64 43:04 6:56 21:10 6:49 01:04:14 80.90
STEVE CRYER Rohnert Park, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 41 63 M 24 3 M60-64 45:03 7:15 22:43 7:19 01:07:46 77.40
STEVE CRYER Rohnert Park, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 51 62 M 34 2 M60-64 42:58 6:55 21:53 7:03 01:04:52 80.11
STEVE CRYER Rohnert Park, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 05/10/15 39 63 M 22 2 M60-64 43:00 6:56 19:53 6:24 01:02:53 83.41
STEVE CRYER Rohnert Park, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 09/19/15 286 63 M 21 2 M60-69 43:43 7:03 22:31 7:15 01:06:14 79.19
Steve Gilbert Fishers, INUS Double Road Race Overland Park 6/30/13 217 68 M 201 4 M65-69 55:52 9:00 28:53 9:19 1:24:45 64.92
Teri Romero Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 685 43 F 281 21 F40-44 01:07:26.26 10:52 36:44.80 11:51 01:44:11 46.78
Terry McCluskey Vienna, OHUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 46 64 M 43 2 60-64 38:46 6:15 19:37 6:20 58:24 90.67
Terry Wyatt Manhattan, KSUS Double Road Race Indianapolis 6/1/14 1379 50 M 3 1 M50-54 0:36:50 5:56 0:18:32 5:58 55:21 84.52
Thomas Dialynas Denver, COUS Double Road Race Denver 7/21/13 36 23 M 6 2 20 to 24 33:08 5:20 16:42 5:23 49:50 82.58
Tina Kefalas Hillsborough, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 37 35 F 22 1 35-39 35:55 5:47 18:07 5:51 54:03 86.31
Tina Kefalas Hillsborough, CAUS Double Road Race San Juan Bautista 9/28/13 1043 36 F 7 1 F35-39 37:30 6:02 17:53 5:46 55:24 84.51
Tina Kefalas Hillsborough, CAUS Double Road Race Greece 12/1/13 1015 36 F 9 1 F30-39 0:35:55 5:47 0:17:31 5:39 53:26 87.62
Tori Tyler Danville, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 636 26 F 24 2 F20-29 36:48 5:56 18:35 5:59 55:23 83.42
Tori Tyler Danville, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 2/22/14 245 26 F 6 1 F25-29 36:45 5:55 18:30 5:58 55:16 83.59
Tori Tyler Danville, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/23/14 329 27 F 9 1 F25-29 36:22 5:51 17:53 5:46 54:15 85.16
Tyler Camic Martinsville, INUS Double Road Race Indy 8/11/13 226 12 M 120 2 M19 & UNDER 1:01:54 9:59 29:55.2 9:39 01:31:49 51.72
Tyler Camic San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Indianapolis 6/1/14 1220 12 M 93 1 M14 & UNDER 1:00:01 9:40 0:35:36 11:29 01:35:35 49.68
Will Adams San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/23/12 3 35 M 109 9 35-39 44:50 7:13 22:20 7:12 1:07:10 62.11
Will Adams San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/24/13 405 36 M 44 3 M35-39 45:10.77 7:17 22:00.55 7:05 01:07:11 62.44
Will Adams San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/22/13 155 36 M 84 13 M30-39 45:21 7:18 22:15 7:10 01:07:36 62.06
Will Adams San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 2/22/14 11 36 M 34 6 M35-39 45:16 7:18 22:37 7:17 01:07:54 61.78
Will Adams San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pacific Grove 5/11/14 1602 36 M 158 9 M35-39 59:03 9:31 29:46 9:36 01:28:49 47.23
Will Adams San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 8/23/14 2 37 M 36 2 M35-39 46:50 7:33 22:35 7:17 01:09:25 60.82
WILL ADAMS San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race Pleasanton 12/21/14 5 37 M 119 13 M35-39 49:42 8:00 25:11 8:07 01:14:53 56.38
WILL ADAMS San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 3 38 M 39 4 M35-39 48:56 7:53 23:57 7:43 01:12:53 58.36
WILL ADAMS San Jose, CAUS Double Road Race San Jose 02/21/15 2 37 M 46 6 M35-39 47:27 7:39 22:29 7:15 01:09:56 60.37

UjENA Fit Club Elite Team Upcoming Double Road Race Schedule

NameRaceRace LocationDate


Double Road Race